Defusing Power Struggles: It's Not About Getting the Last Word | Edutopia

Defusing Power Struggles: It's Not About Getting the Last Word | Edutopia


  1. Your definition of psycho-education is one of the best I have seen. Can you please answer two questions for me.
    1. What are the credentials for a person to be able to administer a psycho-educational assessment?
    2. Are academic levels ever a part of a psycho-educational evaluation? If so, are standard scores used when measuring outcomes for the student?


    1. To answer your questions: 1. Each state has its own requirements for educational diagnosticians. Generally, the psycho-educator needs a master degree in special education plus additional training in diagnostic assessment. 2. The answer to both of your questions on part two is yes. A psycho-educational evaluation includes a psychological test (done by a psychologist) and grade levels, which can be done either by a psychologist or the special education teacher. Standard scores are mandatory, but diagnostic or informal assessment can be part of the evaluation.


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