Giving Feedback and Criticism to Students that is Constructive and Growth-Promoting

Teacher Training > How-To Guide

An out-of-a-kind resource in student discipline!

All Behavior is Communication: How to Give Feedback, Criticism, and Corrections that Improve Behavior is an education and teaching book by Carmen Y. Reyes, The Psycho-Educational Teacher. The topic of this innovative guide is simple yet powerful: what teachers say to children (the words we use) influence the way students perform. Feedback and criticism that convey high and positive expectations influence positive performance, but feedback and criticism that constantly remind children of their low performance and/or recurrent behavior problems reinforce the same low performance and behavior problems that we want to extinguish in the first place. Teachers make the difference, that is how powerful our words and messages are. Therefore, if we want to change children’s disruptive and/or apathetic classroom behavior a first step would be to monitor, and if necessary change, the messages we send to students. All Behavior is Communication: How to Give Feedback, Criticism, and Corrections that Improve Behavior explains these three speech acts in detail and presents ways in which teachers can use language that is supportive of children, inspiring children to be the best they can be. This informative guide is an excellent resource for teachers, school counselors, and those parents with an interest in child guidance skills.

To preview this book on Amazon, click here.


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